When we take this concept and apply it within our yoga practice, they are referred to as ‘’intentions’’. In order to choose your intention, you have to tune into your intuition and become more aware of your inner desires, which are required for you to reach a more balanced state. This may mean that you must work against your resistances and habits and, sometimes, what your mind perceives.
As we evolve with our experiences and our situations change, we may need to adjust our intentions from time to time. Empowering yourself is the entire process of contemplating your intention and putting in your internal work to align with that intention.
If we are new to setting “intentions’’ for ourselves, it may feel challenging. Here are some power words that can help you tap into your inner desire that can encourage you to transform your inner self.
Abundance: Be expansive, don’t self-limit, and have reverence for life
Action: take inspired action, and avoid procrastination
Authenticity: be who you are, find your voice, connect to your true self, acknowledge your shortcomings
Balance: revalue your priorities in life, allocate enough time for wellness, and restore inner and outer balance
Be: focus more on ‘being’ than doing.
Clarity: have insight and see the big picture in situations
Courage: live your dreams, be bold, take risks, go on adventures, and master the courage to do things differently
Creativity: make mind space for imagination, play and possibilities
Equanimity: practice non-attachment and avoid reacting impulsively
Gratitude: practice gratitude, feel blessed and thankful for all that you have, practice giving
Harmony: love the moment, have peace of mind, practice mindfulness
Health: practice mindfulness eating, make healthy food choices, exercise, and stay mentally healthy
Joy: live it up, celebrate, and live now; happiness is key to success. Choose to be happy, whatever the situation is
Laughter: laughter is the best medicine; look at each situation with humour, avoid taking things too seriously, and have fun.
Love: practice unconditional love for yourself and others
Possibility: open to receiving, practice non-judgment, try new experiences
Power: let go of fears, step up, take charge
Presence: give quality attention to the moment, practice mindfulness and meditation
Responsibility: commit to inner change, less blame on others, conscious living
Share: give back to society, practice loving kindness, and help those in need
Space: make space, declutter, make space in your mind by reducing TV, computer and phone usage, meditate
Spirituality: adopt good values, live consciously, be mindful of ego, take wise actions, have reverence for life
Wellness: make time for relaxation, destress, release negative emotions, and let go of excess emotional baggage
Apart from setting an overall long-term intention, you can also make ‘daily’ or ‘weekly’ intentions that may be helpful to make it through a fruitful day or week. Apart from your regular routine, habits, and actions, what else can you do that fulfils your intentions? To contemplate achieving your intentions is work that allows you to get closer to your inner self. The important thing is to keep trying.
Just as new year resolutions are not easy to upkeep, intentions also require some self-discipline to achieve what you really need. Making smaller steps to achieve your intentions are a great way to keep you motivated.
Your intentions are there for you, to improve your self-being and your consciousness.