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Dictionary: Time

My Magazine 2022/03
2 min
How to ask the time and how to answer. Although in The Gambia many refer to the time as GMT (Gambian Maybe Time), you would still find the phrases useful.


Time: Waxtu

Asking the time: Lu waxtu wi def? What says the time?



Wollof English
Lan la waxtu wi def?

Lan la sa waxtu wi def?

Am nga waxtu?

Ñaata nga am waxtu

What is the time?

What time do you have?

Have you got the time?

What is your time



Wollof English
Waxtu wa ngi def …

Suma waxtu wa ngi def …

Waaw, am naa waxtu

Ma ngi am waxtu …

The time is …

My time is …

Yes, I have time.

My time is …


Wollof English
Juróom ñaari waxtu paase na ñaari fukki minut ak juróom.

Ñennti waxtu des na fukki minut ak juróom

Fukki waxtu paase na fukki minut.

Fukki waxtu mo tégga/jot

Juróom benni waxtu mo tégga.

Ñetti waxtu paase na  ñaar fukki minut.

Juróom  ñetti waxtu des na juróom  ñetti minut.

Benna waxtu paase na fanwéeri minut.

Twenty-five minutes past seven. (7:25)

Fifteen minutes to four. (3:45)

Ten minutes past ten. (10:10)

It’s ten o’clock. (10:00)

It’s six o’clock. (6:00)

Twenty minutes past three. (3:20)

Eight minutes to eight. (7:52)

Half-past one. (1:30)


A.m. and p.m.

Note: In Wollof, there is no word for antemeridian and post meridian. The word ˝subba˝, ˝ngoon˝ and ˝goudi˝ is used to tell the time of the day.

Wollof English
Ñaari waxtu ci subba.

Juróom waxtu ci ngoon

Fukki waxtu ak benna ci gudi

Two o’clock in the morning (2:00 a.m.)

Five o’clock in the evening (5:00 p.m.)

Eleven o’clock at night (23:00)


Note: Time in Wollof is not difficult. You use ˝des na (to/less) or paase na (pass)˝. In Wollof, we mention the hour before the minute. For example, English mentions the minutes before the hour (Two minutes past ten 10:02). while in Wollof (fukki waxtu passe na ñaari minut 10:02).




Time: Waatoo

Asking the time: Waati juma lé ka taa? What says the time?



Mandinka English
Waati juma lé ka taa?

Yé waati juma lé souto?

Waato bé bulu?

Ila waato mu jélé ti?

What is the time?

What time do you have?

Have you got the time?

What is your time



Mandinka English
 Waato mu …

Nna waato mu …

Haa, nga waato souto

Nna waato mu …

The time is …

My time is …

Yes, I have time.

My time is …


Mandinka English
Talang worowula tambi ta miniti muwan ning lulu.

Talang naani dassa ta miniti tan ning lulu.

Talang tang tambi ta miniti tang.

Talang tang sita.

Talang wooro sita.

Talang saba tambi ta miniti muwang

Talang séey dassa ta miniti séey

talang kiling tambi ta miniti tang saba.

Twenty-five minutes past seven. (7:25)

Fifteen minutes to four. (3:45)

Ten minutes past ten. (10:10)

It’s ten o’clock. (10:00)

It’s six o’clock. (6:00)

Twenty minutes past three. (3:20)

Eight minutes to eight. (7:52)

Half-past one. (1:30)


A.m. and p.m.

Note: In Mandinka, there is no word for antemeridian and post meridian. The word ˝soman nda˝, ˝wuularoo˝ and ˝suutoo˝ is used to tell the time of the day.

Wollof English
Talang fula soman nda.

Talang lulu wularoo.

Talang tang ning kiling suutoo.

Two o’clock in the morning (2:00 a.m.)

Five o’clock in the evening (5:00 p.m.)

Eleven o’clock at night (23:00)


Note: Time in Mandinka is not difficult. You use ˝dassa ta (to/less) or tam bi ta (pass)˝. In Mandinka, we mention the hour before the minute. For example, English mentions the minutes before the hour (Two minutes past ten 10:02). while in Mandinka (Talang tang tam bi ta miniti fula 10:02).

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