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Dictionary: Asking Questions

My Magazine 2022/04
3 min
Asking questions like what? Which? Where? And when?


Lan? Ban? Fan? Kanj?


Wollof English
Fan nga tesee ak moom?

Ci disco bi.


Nakala tudda?

Mu ngi tudda Ablaay. / Ablaay la tudda.


Lan laa liggéey?

Amul liggéey. Mu ngee ut liggéey.

*Mu ngee liggéey si office.


Ci ban office?

Ci tourist office bi.


Fan nga juddoo?

Ma ngi juddoo Gambia,
waayi England laa déeka.


Ana sa waajur yi, ndax ñu ngi dékka England?

Déedéet, Norway lanj dékka.


Dama wara dem léegi.


Bala ngaa dem ma laaj la dara?

Waw, waakhma.


Yow dégga nga wolof lool. Fan nga ko jangee?

Maang ko jangée ci My Magazine.

*Ci téeré wolof laa jangée.


Lan moi My Magazine?

Béna platform la ci internet bi. Denj def lo bari ci walum tourism Gambia.


Haa lolu baaxna. Fan laa muna gissé gaay?

bindaal Lolu moi sen website.
Nyun tourist yi fofu la
nyo ameh xibaar ci Gambia.


Waaw baaxna dina ko séet.

Maangée yaxxa ci waxtaan bi. Dama wara dem.

Where did you meet him/her?

In the disco.


What is his/her name?

His name is Ablaay.


What does he do? (Occupation)

He doesn’t have a job. He is searching for a job.

*He works in an office.


In which office?

In the tourist office.


Where were you born?

I was born in The Gambia,
but I live in England.


Where are your parents? Are they living in England?

No, they live in Norway.


I have to leave now. / I have to go now.


Before you leave, may I ask you something?

Yes, tell me.


You speak good Wolof. Where did you learn it?

I learned from My Magazine.

*I learned it from the Wolof book.


What’s My Magazine?

It’s an online platform. They do a lot for the promotion of Gambian tourism.


Oh, that’s nice. Where can I find them?

Search their website at
This is where we tourists get
information about The Gambia.


Okay good, I will check it out.

I’ll have to say bye now. I have to leave.




Mung? Jumaa? Ming? Mun tuma?


Mandinka English
Ya jé mingtoh?



Munéh mu a tooh ti?

A tooh mu Ablaay lé ti.


Munéh mu ala dokko ti?

Dokku ta abulu. Abaa dokku ñinoo lée la.

*Aka dokku offisol lé toh.


Offisi jama?

Tourist offico nying to.


Ei wuluu ta ming toh?

Nwuluu ta Gambia lé,
barri mbé sabatiring England déh.


Ei la wuluu la lé?
Fo efana bé sabatiring England déh?


Haani, ebaa Norway lé.


Saay nka taaléh.


Janni nkataa, nsay ei nyini kaa no fena bang?

Haa afo.


Ei téh yéh Mandinka kang’o noo baké,

yaa karang ming toh lé?

Nga karang My Magazine léh.

*Nga karang Mandinka kitabo léh to.


Munéh mu My Magazine ti?

Platform do lém. I’ka ku jama lékkéh
Gambia la turism.


Haa woo béttiya ta. Eba mingto lé?

E’la websito jibéh
N’tel tourisol ka n’na
kibaarol taa jélé.


Iyoo, mba jibé la léh.

Mba katcha tinya kang. Nyaan ta kataa.

Where did you meet him/her?

In the disco.


What is his/her name?

His name is Ablaay.


What does he do? (Occupation)

He doesn’t have a job. He is searching for a job.

*He works in an office.


In which office?

In the tourist office.


Where were you born?

I was born in The Gambia,
but I live in England.


Where are your parents?
Are they living in England?


No, they live in Norway.


I have to leave now. / I have to go now.


Before you leave, may I ask you something?

Yes, tell me.


You speak good Mandinka.

Where did you learn it?

I learnt from My Magazine.

*I learnt it from the Mandinka book.


What’s My Magazine?

It’s an online platform. They do a lot
for the promotion of Gambian tourism.


Oh, that’s nice. Where can I find them?

Search their website at
This is where we tourists get
information about The Gambia.


Okay good, I will check it out.

I’ll have to say bye now. I have to leave.


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