Our “The Edge at Kasumai Resort” construction site is progressing. We have successfully realised the most important step of a stable and sustainable building. Carefully implemented foundation work is of great importance, because building ground and structure always form a constructive unit. Intensive cooperation with our local workers ensured that our specifications were implemented to a high standard. Of course, such foundation work is completely new here in the Gambia, as there has never been a project in this country that has created such a high-quality base. A lot of information about the individual steps was completely new for our team executing the work. But any progress takes place outside the comfort zone and so all participants are constantly learning.
It took us three months to create a solid foundation for our project, but as David H. Aebischer said: "Whoever wants to build great things should take enough time to build the foundation." This is how it is generally in life, because 80% of success is good preparation. The preparation or the creation of a solid foundation is comparable to the stage of sowing or the germination of the seed in the plant world. The work begins when you put a seed in the ground. Day after day, you have to water and ensure ideal growing conditions. But visible success is missing during this time. One does not see how the seed germinates and how the roots of the future plant develop underground. The foundation for future growth is created, the basis for everything visible, above ground, emerges.
It is exactly like that on our construction site. After all the work, the foundations are backfilled and they disappear underground. We are now entering the stage of growing. The first success becomes visible. Our team on the construction site has grown together, has learned what is important in the execution of this unique building quality. Now we may build together on the root network of our building and personal development. We have created the basis for visible success and can now see our project growing day by day. At the same time, this is the best motivation for all contributors for all further work steps. Now we are following Hubert Joost's words: "If something is to last, it develops gradually." The first step is to erect a force-fit shell. Starting with the floor slabs of the four structures, progress is now quickly becoming visible bit by bit. Brick walls made from the high-quality earth bricks and concrete ceilings in between, now we will see the product of our work day after day. An exciting time of rapid progress lies ahead.
At the end of our project, we will then come to the stage of fruit-bearing or blossoming. We can now already guess what a success our Kasumai project will be. Without much advertising, numerous interested people have applied for buying an apartment. Very special people come together here as future flat owners and form an absolutely great community that blossoms from the basis of our project. Sustainability in many respects, humaneness and a stimulating exchange of different cultures are clearly in the foreground for the buyers of the flats. They were not just looking to buy an apartment but were looking for a community where one can grow freely and be happy. The essential criteria for the success of our project in the fruit-bearing stage and thus also the foundation of our vision of the IN∙US network is, of course, ultimately the people. We are the ones who shape our future, day by day, with our thoughts, our actions and our feelings. So let's create an environment together that makes us happy - let's create the foundation of a world in which each individual is free to blossom.
In the Gambia, rain-fed agriculture is an important source of livelihood for a large number of the more than two million people. In order to strengthen the food supply, more and more community gardens for growing vegetables have been established by women in recent years. These enable families to diversify their food intake and generate independent income for women, thereby strengthening household resilience. Through this funded community project, the women in the villages have developed their cultivation skills. They now mostly grow vegetables in the dry season and rice in the rainy season in the communal gardens. The development of simple irrigation facilities has also helped. The women of these community gardens often form the foundation of the food supply in the villages. Thanks to the mostly continuously growing income from vegetable sales, they are now also able to pay their children’s school fees. The fundamental investment in these community gardens has thus helped rural Gambian women develop sustainable coping skills while providing a reliable source of food and income for their families.